Steve KramerSteve Kramer resides in Leyden, MA. He is President of Spirit Fire, an educational non-profit organization. He lives and teaches at Spirit Fire Meditative Retreat Center in Western Massachussets. He is a teacher of the Practice Living Awareness Meditation technique and an Esoteric Healing teacher through the International Network for Energy Healing. Steve has been offering Esoteric Healing as practitioner since 2001 and is a certified practitioner through the National Association for Esoteric Healing.
In 2021, Steve created the School for Integrated Consciousness with Martha Henry-MacDonald as a way to bridge science, esoteric studies and teachings that integrate body, mind, and spirit. He also offers treatments through his private practice, The Subtle Balance. Steve co-teaches with Martha Henry-MacDonald in New York City and Boston. Due to pandemic restrictions, Steve and Martha are offering online classes through the School for Integrated Consciousness. Upcoming Courses
Esoteric Healing Course I: The Self Online, Weekends, September 11-12 & 25-26, 2021 Click here for further information and to register for this class. *This course will be co-taught with Martha Henry Mac-Donald. |