You Are Invited!
Energy healers from around the world are gathering in Montreal and we’d like you to join us. This open-invitation weekend kicks-off our annual teachers’ conference. We have dedicated ourselves to the concept that we are all extensions of the One Life - individuals, part of a greater whole. By working together and sharing ideas, we make great strides toward envisioning and creating harmony in this world. All INEH students, teachers, practitioners and individuals interested in Energy Healing are welcome. We hope you’ll take part.
The Many Become The One: an evening of sharing amongst peers. Meet the International Teachers of Esoteric Healing for an evening of introduction, meditation, and celebration of energy work. This evening begins an inspiring weekend exploration of interconnectedness, interdependence, and our inter-being. Meet new friends from near and far who share a common vision of unity. SATURDAY: Oneness and The Unique Gift: a day-long experiential course with Angelika Werkstetter. We live in challenging times. If we want to contribute to the creation of a new loving human culture, we need to come into a deeper understanding and experience of Oneness. At the same time, we are asked to recognize that everyone has a divine , unique gift which wants to be explored and brought into this world. This gift is individual, yet non-personal. It arises out of the deepest desire of the one source to express itself in countless ways. We will spend a day with meditation, lecture, exercise, and healing sessions to give space for this gift within us and find its unique expression through our authentic being. Angelika Werkstetter lives and works in Munich, Germany. She is an accredited teacher of the INEH since 2006 and teaches in several countries. She is also a teacher trainer and holds the position of Coordinator for the INEH. For students who want to go deeper, Angelika offers a 2-year intensive training after the basic INEH classes. She has developed more than 20 EH deepening courses. Angelika is a trained non-medical practitioner and has maintained an active healing practice for more than 14 years. In her seminars and in her practice, Angelika's intention is to create a healing space in which the soul energy of her participants and clients can enfold their unique individual potential. SUNDAY: Moving Toward Oneness: realizing that we are part of the greater whole. Presentations and exercises on this theme will include:
Hermitage Sainte-Croix
21269 Boulevard Gouin West Montreal, Quebec H9K 1C1 |
Additional Information:Event Cost: $50 US for this weekend event (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday workshops).
Meals: Lunch is available Saturday & Sunday at an additional cost of $12.50 per meal. Room and Board: Rooms at Ermitage Sainte-Croix have sold out. Other nearby options are available including Chalets Beaconsfield. Payment Instructions: Canada & US participants, please pay INEH via PayPal or check. This can be done on by using the "SEND MONEY TO INEH" button under our Teacher's Dues Page, this can be found by clicking HERE. Each purchase (Event: $50 and/or Lunches: $12.50 each) should be tallied and paid in full through the PayPal link above (in lavender). Or send a check to: Deborah Graham 2840 E. Grand River Ave. Suite 4 East Lansing, MI 48823. Registration Deadline: September 5, 2017 |