Learn the Practice of Esoteric Healing.
The INEH curriculum offers a comprehensive understanding of the chakras and their relationship to the physical apparatus; a complete overview of meditation and its importance in the development of the intuitive and co-creative mind, and practical training in the application of energy healing protocols. It is our objective to teach you how to apply Esoteric Healing as an integrative practice within your home, clinical space, consulting room, or any variety of treatment situation.
The INEH curriculum is presented in four parts, each requiring a seminar intensive of four to five days (depending on location). Sessions include lectures, discussion, practical instruction, and group meditation. Throughout the coursework, emphasis is placed on developing the facility to sense subtle energy, and master techniques to balance energy points between major and minor chakras. Successful completion of all four parts will total 120 -125 hours of coursework and application, including over 100 energy balancing protocols. Note: some teachers have opted to extend the INEH curriculum to five parts; this will be detailed on the schedule page.
Training in Esoteric Healing complements and reinforces both Western & Eastern medical treatment modalities. It supports people living an integrated life, represented in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual balance. This method addresses and treats the root cause of dis-ease often found in the subtle energy system.
Note: Many of our instructors offer Deepening Courses. Please visit the "Schedule" page in the menu bar for these classes.
Select a tab below for a description of each course.
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Course I: An Introduction to Esoteric Healing
Course I will introduce the principles and techniques of Esoteric Healing. You will learn the practical relationship between the physical and esoteric anatomy, as well as evaluation of the subtle energy field. Through training, a practitioner learns to detect areas that are weak or congested.. Points of energy serve as a map of interpretation and integration for our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
Specific treatment procedures focus on the basic center, the sacral center, the solar plexus center, and the lymphatic system. Balancing techniques teach the practitioner how to bring the energy field to a more harmonious state, thus effecting positive change. Thorough exploration of energy healing principles will be included, as well as a review of the tasks and responsibilities of an energy healing practitioner.
Course Highlights:
- Introduction to the human energy field
- Energetic cause of disease & the first law of Esoteric Healing
- The seven major centers
- The seven endocrine glands
- The minor centers
- Physiological & psychological aspects of the centers
- Alignment & atunement in magnetic healing
- The Basic Center & it's energetic significance
- The Basic Center: organs, glands, and related energy protocols
- The Sacral Center & it's energetic significance
- The Sacral Center: organs, glands, and related energy protocols
- The Solar Plexus Center & it's energetic significance
- The Solar Plexus Center: organs, glands, and related energy protocols
- Introduction to the Heart Center & practical energy protocols
- Introduction to the Throat Center & practical energy protocols
- The lymphatic system & related energy protocols
- Introduction to the Ajna Center & practical energy protocols
- Main treatment precepts & suggested treatment procedures
- The process of meditation & meditation program for Course I
- Recommended reading
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Course II: Integrated Living
Course II deepens the exploration of the human being as a composite of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies. Emphasis is placed upon the balanced integration of these energies, and the defining roles the soul and personality play in the process of creating a vital and healthy life. We will examine the soul's purpose, construct, and placement with the human energy system, and the intricacies of its relationship to the personality. A deepening of the practical work from Course I is included, with review and expansion of the basic center, sacral center, and solar plexus center teachings. The heart center, throat center, ajna center, and the circulatory system will be covered in depth. Protocols for these centers will be taught and practiced.
Course Highlights:
- A map of integration: the constitution of the human being
- Review of alignment and attunement
- Balancing paired centers
- The seven centers and their endocrine glands
- The major centers in relation to the spine
- The principal minor centers
- The Basic Center: review, deepening, and additional energy protocols
- The Sacral Center: review, deepening, and additional energy protocols
- The Solar Plexus Center: review, deepening, and additional energy protocols
- The Spleen & its energetic significance
- The Heart Center & its energetic significance
- The Heart Center: organs, glands, and related energy protocols
- The circulatory system
- The Throat Center & its energetic significance
- The Throat Center: organs, glands, and related energy protocols
- Integration of the personality
- Deepening of the psychological aspects of the centers
- An approach to esoteric study
- An introduction to the seven qualifying rays of energy
- Kundalini energy
- The science of meditation & meditation program for Course II
- Recommended reading
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Course III: A Cosmic Perspective
Course III offers perspective on the expansive nature of energy systems. Much is revealed when we consider the similar properties of the atom, the chakra, the human heart, the human being, the solar system, and the cosmos as a whole. We will explore the principles of the evolution of consciousness and the part that these energy systems play in its expansion. Emphasis will be placed on the primary energy centers of the head: the alta major center, the ajna center, and the crown center. We will learn their physical counterparts in the physiology of the brain and the role this architecture plays in our psychological and spiritual development. An esoteric perspective on birth, death and cycles of life is offered. Additional energy healing triangles for all seven centers and an introduction to the nervous system are included in this level.
Course Highlights:
- Our relationship with the cosmos
- The first and second laws of Esoteric Healing
- Alignment and attunement
- The primary centers of the head
- The Ajna Center & its energetic significance
- The Ajna Center: the pituitary gland & related energy protocols
- The Alta Major Center & its energetic significance
- Introduction to the vagus nerve
- The Crown Center & its energetic significance
- The Crown Center: the pineal gland & related energy protocols
- The third ventricle & "the cave in the head"
- Review of the major centers along the spine & additional energy protocols
- Esoteric psychology
- The sutratma
- Introduction the antahkarana
- The stages of life: birth, death & dying, and between lives
- Introduction to radiatory healing
- The deva lifestream
- The seven rays: qualifying and conditioning energy streams
- Meditation program for Course III
- Recommended reading
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Course IV: The Bridge of Light
Course IV deepens the understanding of healing as a service, a science, and an art. We focus on refining the skills learned thus far: identifying imbalances within the energy centers, bringing points of energy into resonate relation, and maintaining proper alignment and attunement during treatment. Course IV examines the nervous system in depth, the vagus nerve, the five senses, and their related energy healing protocols. Aside from meditation, we will learn practices to bring the soul into conscious activity through establishing a healing environment. Cumulative treatment precepts and procedures will be reviewed.
Course Highlights:
- Alignment and attunement
- Review of the centers along the spine & related energy protocols
- The nervous system
- Deepening study of primary centers in the head
- Additional protocols of the Ajna & Crown Centers
- The brain & the brain stem
- The vagus nerve & related energy protocols
- The trigeminal nerve
- The five senses: a physiological & esoteric perspective
- Energy protocols of the five senses
- Building the antahkarana
- Glamour & illusion as energetic concepts
- The immune system
- The pranas, the spleen, and the etheric body
- Right use of energy & considerations for the practitioner
- Review of energy protocols of courses I -III & additional energy protocols
- Dispelling Radiance technique
- Treatment precepts & suggested treatment procedures
- Meditation program for Course IV
- Recommended reading
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Note: The arrangement and content of course materials may vary among instructors. Please contact instructors for their individual curriculum listings.