Constance McCloyConstance McCloy, EdD, PT has been an Esoteric Healing energy work practitioner since 2001, and a physical therapist and academician for many decades. Her background as a clinician, researcher, instructor and spiritual seeker has provided a useful foundation for her energy work services and teaching. “I have studied several forms of energy work, but when I learned about Esoteric Healing I literally felt as though I’d ‘come home.’ I like Esoteric Healing best because it utilizes a unique blend of ‘art and science’ and an opportunity for ‘soul connection’ that helps individuals realize their wholeness. In Esoteric Healing, the client’s soul literally drives the process, providing intuitive guidance to both the client and the healing facilitator. Over the years of working with both people and animals, I’ve found that Esoteric Healing is a gentle, yet powerfully effective process for raising awareness, and for balancing the body, mind, emotions and spirit. It is also a wonderful adjunct to other modalities of treatment (e.g., psychotherapy, life coaching, recovery from illness/injury, spiritual/personal growth work).” Constance McCloy currently offers courses in Esoteric Healing in California, Colorado, and Indiana. Upcoming Courses
Course I: An Introduction to Esoteric Healing August 16-17, 2019 in El Granada, CA with two additional days to be scheduled See the downloadable flyer for complete information on this class or contact Constance by email.