Amy FerstlAmy is located in Millington, MI. She was drawn to Esoteric Healing in 1995 with a desire to find a method of healing that would empower both herself and her clients to recognize the continued value of looking within, where we have our greatest resource planted by Source. With an extensive background in metaphysical studies, as well as in meditation, music, Jin Shin Jyutsu, therapeutic massage and shamanic journey work, Amy realized that Esoteric Healing principles and practice, and Jin Shin Jyutsu physio-philosophy focused her service in the healing arts field, and that both had deep and profound benefits. Esoteric Healing creates vitalization of specific energetic pathways that alleviate blockages to the flow of those energies as they move in the body, mind and spirit. This serves to reestablish the connection to our blueprint... who we are, and what we came to do... and be. It also provides an awareness of grounding spiritual insight, experience and understanding into practical, every day life for healing and well-being. Since 1992, Amy has had a healing practice in Michigan, and looks forward to continued study, meditation and service in this work.
Amy has classes forming in Bay City, MI and Brasilia, Brazil. For Bay City classes contact Amy or Nanette Kloha. For Brasilia, Brazil classes, contact Deborah Carvalho. |