Deborah GrahamDeborah resides in Haslett, MI. She serves as a certified International Network of Esoteric Healing instructor and has been studying and working in the healing arts for over 20 years. She teaches classes on various subjects relating to healing, consciousness, and metaphysics and has studied a multitude of healing modalities, including reflexology, nutrition, aromatherapy, and Reiki.
Maintaining a private practice in East Lansing, Michigan, Deborah works with individual clients, couples, and families, providing Energy Therapy sessions and Astrological Consultations. It is called The Cosmic Corner. Various classes are also offered, and some of them include meditation, Esoteric Healing, Fields of Consciousness Healing, and other topics supporting health, healing, and well being. Deborah has taught classes and presented lectures both nationally and internationally. Her most recent endeavor is the creation and production of a meditation cd called, "Meditations to Relax into Silence." Visit her website: |